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Be surprised with the new Far Cry game Fallout 76 style

Ubisoft hosted gamers at The Game Awards 2019 with a trailer featuring post-apocalyptic time for their latest Far Cry game. Ubisoft hosted gamers at The Game Awards 2019 with a trailer featuring post-apocalyptic time for their latest Far Cry game.

The information revealed in the new teaser is quite limited, but there are a few small details that can be detected from the 45-second video, starting with a mushroom-shaped cloud sprouting behind the farmland far away.

Far Cry is one of Ubisoft’s first and highest-rated shooters, with lots of significant changes since the first game release in the series in 2004. Throughout the series is the fourth The whole idea of ​​the game, it’s an open world that takes players everywhere from the tropics, prehistoric culture, to the ’80s of science fiction movies, focusing on survival mechanisms.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho Far Cry

The latest title in the series is Far Cry 5, released earlier this year and housed in today’s modern Montana environment, including a small reference to the current US political environment.

The new teaser for Far Cry released over the past few days has revealed the official name of the game: Far Cry New Dawn. The brief trailer doesn’t reveal anything that looks like the actual gameplay scene. but the scene seems to be a familiar environment for Hope County after the nuclear explosion.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho Far Cry

One important thing to note is that the Far Cry series has never explored any post-apocalyptic space in previous games. Besides the slightly mysterious voice, there was a single saw blade running through the video, before being loaded into what looked like a weapon.

Less than a year after the release of Far Cry 5. Interestingly, Ubisoft is ready to promote new content under this IP, especially Far Cry 5 has many DLC packages. That said, a fast-paced release cycle has been established since Far Cry 3 was launched.